Third Base 2024-2025

Our FAX is now working. Please call to confirm we have received your forms. FAX Number is 304-766-0389. Phone number is 304-766-0378.

We have reached our enrollment capacity and have a wait list for the following sites: Bridgeview, Central, Elk, Flinn, Holz, Overbrook, and Pinch.

(As of 12/20/24. Other sites are approaching their enrollment capacity, so please send in your forms as soon as possible.

Open enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year began Monday, April 1. Enrollment is on a first come, first served basis. Placement is subject to availability of space at the desired site. Submission of the enrollment form is not a guarantee of placement. Should enrollment exceed available space, a wait list will be started for that site.

About Third Base

Third Base is an afterschool program available to elementary age children in Kanawha County Schools who are in kindergarten through fifth grade. Parents/guardians must complete an enrollment form each year to enroll their children in the program. Children must be enrolled and approved for Third Base before they attend.

The program is located in the school’s multipurpose room or gym and begins immediately after school dismisses. Children must be picked up by 5:40 p.m. (late pick up fees apply after that time). Some Third Base programs serve more than one school. In those cases, children will ride a Kanawha County Schools bus from their home school to the designated Third Base location. A list of locations can be found under the About Us tab, as well as on the enrollment packet cover page and in the Family Handbook.

During Third Base, children will have a healthy snack, followed by up to 30 minutes of supervised homework time. The staff then engage the children in a variety of activities that promote physical, social and emotional development. This includes outside play, games, arts and crafts, and other play centers.

Our staff must be drug tested and submit to a fingerprint background check. They are trained in CPR and First Aid. Third Base Programs are licensed through the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources.


Third Base is a private pay program. There is a weekly fee which is due the first day of each week your child attends. The weekly Private Pay rates for 2024-2025 are $70 for 1 child, $100 for 2 children, and $125 for 3 children. There is a yearly $10 family registration fee.

We do accept CONNECT and LINK for those families who qualify for that program through WV DHHR, and any copays associated with that are also due on Monday or the first day of the week you child attends. We must have a copy of your certificate or a notice of coverage before your child starts, unless you opt to start as Private Pay until your coverage is confirmed.

Fees not paid on the first day due are subject to daily late payment fees. If fees or copays are not paid by the end of the week, the child cannot return to the program until the account is paid in full.

When your enrollment has been approved and you are told that your child may start the program, a $10 family registration fee will be billed to your Third Base account and payment will be due the first day your child/children attends. CONNECT/LINK do not cover this fee.

We accept cash, checks (made payable to KCSCEP) and credit/debit cards. We also offer automatic payments through Tuition Express. Your payment can be automatically deducted from your checking account or charged to a credit card. If you would like to set up your account for automatic payment, we'll send you a secure link to set up your payment method.

2024-2025 Enrollment

To enroll your child or children in Third Base for the 2024-2025 school year, please follow the directions below.

  1. Click on the link below to download the fillable PDF enrollment form. Review the list of sites on the cover page to determine if your child’s school is served by a Third Base program. If you are unable to download or print the forms, please call our office to have one mailed to you.
  2. Be sure to provide complete names, physical addresses (no P.O. Boxes), and phone numbers for parents/guardians and anyone listed as an Emergency Contact and/or Authorized Pick Up Person. You also must provide the name of your child’s health insurance provider and the policy number. WV DHHR requires this information be on the form and your enrollment will not be processed without it. Also please include at least one email for the parents/guardians to receive enrollment notifications.
  3. For more information about KCSCEP and our Policies and Procedures, please download the 2024-2025 Family Handbook. You can request a printed copy of this handbook from your site director or the KCSCEP office.
  4. DO NOT return these forms to your child’s school.

The best way to submit your enrollment is by email. The email is  Our mailing address is 959 Woodward Drive, Room 103, Charleston, WV 25387. OUr Fax is 304-766-0389 (call to confirm we have received.)

  1. When we receive your enrollment, we will email you to let you know we received it. This is NOT confirmation that your child has been approved to attend. You will be notified by email at a later date as to your enrollment status (approved or wait list). We will advise you if there is required information missing from your form that would hold up its processing so that you may correct this.
  2. Please note that on the Acceptable Use Form, you can include the names of all the children in the family on the line that asks for the student’s name.
  3. You can sign the form digitally by clicking on the space for signature and creating a digital signature. However, if you are unable to do so, you can sign a printed copy of the form the first day your child attends. Submission of enrollment indicates acceptance of policies, procedures, and requirements.
  4. If we are able to enroll your child, the $10 registration fee will be billed to your Third Base account and will be due the first day your child attends. If space is not available, your child will be added to a wait list.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please call our office at 304-766-0378 or email us.